What size are RV bunk beds?

If you’re looking into purchasing a new travel trailer or RV, you want to make sure there is enough room for everyone to sleep. Many larger RVs have queen size beds in the master bedroom area, as well as sofas and dining tables that break down into “convertible” beds. 

For families with children, many RVs make use of bunk beds in order to maximize sleeping capacity within the RV’s limited footprint.  Some even have a dedicated room with three or four bunk beds, often called a “bunkhouse” in the floor plan. 

The next question that typically comes to mind is — Exactly what size are RV bunk beds?

A common size for RV bunk beds is 28 inches by 75 inches, though the width can range from 28 inches up to 53 inches and the length can range from 72 inches to 80 inches. There isn’t one set industry-standard for RV bunk bed sizes, resulting in a large number of dimensional variations.

Smaller bunk beds are typically found in an RV that is trying to maximize sleeping locations, so often if the RV has three or four bunk beds then they will be smaller and generally more narrow.  The larger bunk beds are almost exclusively found in floorplans that have just two bunk beds, one directly over the other.

The exact size of the bunk beds will depend on the style and layout of the RV and vary slightly by manufacturer. Remember – RVs have very limited space, so the manufacturers are constantly making trade-offs between competing priorities.

What types Of RVs have bunk beds?

Larger RVs with bunk beds are designed with young families (with children) as the targeted buyer. When shopping for an RV with bunk beds, look for “BH” in the model name of the floorplan.  This stands for “bunkhouse”, a separate room with bunk beds.

In most travel trailers, the “bunkhouse” is usually found in the rear of the trailer.  In especially large travel trailers or fifth wheels, it can sometimes be a separate room in the middle of the floorplan.

What are the most common sizes of RV bunk beds?

The following table shows the different sizes of Single “Twin” RV bunk beds commonly found in today’s RVs.

Single (“Twin”) RV Bunk Bed Sizes:
28” X 75”
30” X 75”
30” X 80”
34” X 75”
35” X 79”

The next table shows the different sizes of Double RV bunk beds commonly found in today’s RVs.

Double (“Full”) RV Bunk Bed Sizes:
53” X 75”
54” X 75”
55” X 75”

As you can see from the tables, there are only a few inches that separate the different size RV bunk beds.  When space-planning in an RV, every inch matters.  If you opt for a slightly larger bed, you are typically trading off in the floor plan configuration, or maybe just getting less floorspace.

Since bunk beds are primarily designed for children, often even the smaller bunks have plenty of room for younger kids. But for teenagers, the slimmer (and shorter) bunk beds can sometimes be a bit tight. 

This is where visiting an RV dealer and testing out different size bunk beds really comes in handy.  Even if you don’t want to purchase a certain floorplan – its a good idea to bring your tape measure and your kids and go ahead and have them try out a few of the bunks to see if there is enough room for them to move around. Then you’ll know what size(s) work, and you can use that information when searching online for other models or floorplans.

What size mattress fits in an RV bunk bed?

When it comes to purchasing a new RV that has bunk beds, most of the time the mattresses will be included. If for some reason, a child or adult who will be sleeping on the mattress finds it uncomfortable, then there are some options to look for.

Will A Traditional Twin Mattress Fit Into An RV Bunk Bed?

A traditional twin mattress measures 38 inches by 75 inches and will probably not fit into a single bunk bed inside your camper. Since it’s common for single bunk beds to measure 28 inches by 75 inches, the extra ten inches of material would be bulky and might prove difficult to sleep on.

What About A Double Size Mattress?

Unlike single bunk beds, there are usually only three sizes of double mattresses in the Bunkhouse of most RVs. A traditional double mattress measures 54 inches by 75 inches, so if a camper has a preferred mattress to sleep on, it would be possible to transfer it from home to the travel trailer. 

Where Do I Buy Mattresses For RV Bunk Beds?

There aren’t many traditional options when it comes to selecting new mattresses for your RV bunk beds. Generally, looking on Amazon (or online in general) will be your best bet.  Remember that RV mattresses come in odd sizes and you might not find an exact fit. 

“Hacker Tip”: Get a Foam Mattress & Cut It

One option to consider is a foam mattress (including memory foam) which is available for purchase from many retailers, and then can be cut to fit whatever size is needed.  Almost every foam mattress cuts pretty cleanly and so this can be a great option.

Are RV bunk beds adjustable? What about removable?

RV bunk beds are typically not adjustable, but they are sometimes removable. Commonly, in a bunkhouse, one or more of the bunk beds will be on hinges, so it can be folded up against the wall to create more space when not in use. This is an excellent way to maximize space in tight quarters.

Some families who are living in their RVs full-time will sometimes remove one of the bunks altogether to allow more space for a family member to use as a bedroom or personal space. Of course, this only works if the bunk isn’t needed as a bed for another family member.

What is the weight limit of an RV bunk bed?

There are a wide range of weight limits in RV bunk beds with weights ranging from 150 pounds to 400 pounds. Single “twin” bunk beds usually max out at 200-300 pounds for a top or bottom bunk, while double bunk beds can typically hold up to 400 pounds.

The weight limits can sometimes be found listed on the bunk itself (check the board holding the mattress, or the wall in the bunkhouse) or in the owner’s guide. Online forums and contacting the RV manufacturer or dealership are other great ways to help determine RV bunk bed weight limits.

So, should you buy an RV with bunk beds?

RVs with bunk beds offer a great way to provide sleeping quarters for lots of people. For families with multiple children, a bunkhouse RV is really essential. And they also work out well if you want to bring along guests.

While most RVs have convertible sleeping typically in the living area (dining table and/or sleeper sofa), its nice to leave those areas fully set up and give each person their own dedicated sleeping quarters – a space where they can keep their things and not be in the way in a tight camper.  If you are considering RVs with bunk beds, then its likely for a good reason.

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